When You Suspect That You Might Have A Pest Infestation?

Pest Control Geelong

Pests are a nuisance to everyone and cause huge problems with your property, health, and sanity. Many pests have become resistant to pesticides and other chemicals in recent years. This means that the only way to control these pests is to get rid of them with DIY. However, some DIY methods are dangerous and affect our health, while others are not effective enough to address the problem. The best way to remove pests is only by calling Pest Control Geelong service experts.

Some Signs of A Pest Infestation Include

  • Unexpected Holes In Your Walls

If you find holes in your walls or floors, you should look for pests like cockroaches, ants, and even mice. They can easily hide in these holes without you knowing about it. You should also check the outside of your home and any cracks at the base of your foundation.

  • Droppings

This is one sign that's easy to miss until it's too late. Cockroaches and ants like to leave behind their droppings to communicate with each other, but they can also be left by mice or other rodents. These droppings should not be ignored because they are an indication that there might be pests living in your home.

Pest Control Geelong

  • Peeling Paint

Dark or peeling paint is one of the early signs that you have a pest infestation. It is often found in areas near where pests live, such as your walls, window sills, and door frames. It's a sign that you are likely to be dealing with insects, bugs, spiders, rodents, or other animals in your home.

  • Swarming

A swarm of insects is called a flight. If you notice honeybees or wasps chaotically swarming around your home, you may have an infestation of pests. This can result in severe economic damage and the spread of disease if not dealt with correctly.

  • Gnaw Marks

Signs of pests in the garden include gnawing marks found on plants and other structures, webbing or webs in corners or along the ground, and fecal pellets where you would expect to see droppings. If you notice these signs, it might be time to call a professional pest control company for assistance.

  • Small Piles Of Frass

Exterminators have a lot of tools to help them get rid of pests in and around their homes. They may use poisons, traps, baits, or freezing methods to kill the pests. These methods can be very effective, but they are not guaranteed, and they usually require professional Pest Control Geelong. If you want to prevent pest infestation in your home, you should start by eliminating small piles of frass. This is easily done by scooping up the frass with a spoon or a napkin and throwing it away.

  • Bubbled Floorboard

One way to identify if you’re dealing with a pest infestation is to check the floor of your home. If the floor appears to be filled with bubbles or water and there are droppings, you might be seeing the telltale signs of an insect invasion.

  • Grouping of Dead Bugs

The presence of bugs around your home can tell you that you have an infestation of pests. The first sign of a possible pest infestation is the presence of grouped dead bugs. These dead bugs could be ants, flies, or any other type of insect. The second sign would be the presence of live bugs inside your house during warm and humid weather. This includes fire ants and termites.

Its Time To Call In A Pest Control Expert?

Pests are often a nuisance, but they can also cause significant health and safety risks to your family members. Some pests are a threat to human health, transmitting diseases like salmonella, histoplasmosis, and rat-bite fever.

It is good to look for signs that your environment has been invaded by pests before calling in an exterminator. Pest infestations can be a major hassle to deal with, but there are things that homeowners can do to help prevent them.

If you want to get rid of these pests without chemicals, it's best to call Pest Control Geelong because they know how to eliminate these types of animals without harming them.

 Source: https://ecosafepestcontrol.home.blog/2022/04/07/when-you-suspect-that-you-might-have-a-pest-infestation/

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